Introduction to Digital Media

Frieder Nake, Petra Klusmeyer

Winter 19/20, University of Bremen, Hochschule für Künste Bremen

Monday 14 to 18, HfK Auditorium

Due to the circumstances, we start on the 21st October only. Sorry

Remark: Because of various circumstances of the calendar, we have one or two weeks less than usual. Therefore, we must plan for only three meetings for topic 3, and a last meeting in February. We are sorry.

21 Oct 19 Introduction. Organizing the seminar. General questions. Conditions for credit. We present the 3 topics. We give you the 3x4 texts. You build groups of 4 or 5 students each, up to four groups for each topic. Each group gets one of the papers for study. What to consider for the presentations?
28 Oct 19 Topic 1 (no. 4): Computability. Reflections on the topic (PK, FN, plus Kilian Schwoon & Gabriel Zachmann)
4 Nov 19 Topic 1 (no. 2): Four groups of students present their papers
11 Nov 19 Topic 1 (no. 1): Computability. Guest speaker: Georg Trogemann, Köln
18 Nov 19 Topic 1 (no. 3): General, broad discussion between all of us; PK, FN present two relevant positions
25 Nov 19 Topic 2 (1): Interactivity. Guest speaker: Lasse Scherffig, Köln
2 Dec 19 Topic 2 (2): Four groups of students present their papers
9 Dec 19 Topic 2 (3): General, broad discussion between all of us; PK, FN present two relevant positions
16 Dec 19 Topic 2 (4): Reflection on, and summary of the topic (PK, FN plus Tanja Diezmann & Johannes Schöning (to be confirmed))
13 Jan 20 Topic 3 (1): Connectivity. Guest speaker: Shusha Niederberger, Basel & Zürich
20 Jan 20 Topic 3 (2): Four groups of students present their papers
27 Jan 20 Topic 3 (4): Reflection on, and summary of the topic (PK, FN plus Ralf Becker & Ute Bormann (to be confirmed))
3 Feb 20 Two former students join us for an exchange of experience. Conclusion. Retrospective, summary, feedback, critique (prepared by anonymous questionnaire). Students will be given their topic for an "individual essay" that they must write.
3 Mrch 20 Deadline for submission of individual essaysTwo former students join us for an exchange of experience. Conclusion. Retrospective, summary, feedback, critique (prepared by anonymous questionnaire). Students will be given their topic for an "individual essay" that they must write.